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How Does Technology Support Small Businesses?

Technology is changing rapidly, and small businesses are enjoying access to better software at more affordable prices. Below are just a few of the many ways that today’s technology is supporting small businesses.Software as a ServiceRemember when it used to cost thousands of dollars for business software plus expensive licenses for each user? New software investments also often meant investing in new hardware capable of supporting that software. None of this came cheap, making it hard for business owner to keep up with larger ones with deeper pockets. Today, powerful software is readily available in the cloud “as a service.” Rather than paying huge amounts up front, Software as a Service costs are typically spread out and billed on a much lower per month basis.What types of software can you get as a service? Here are a few popular types of SaaS offerings:. Small business accounting software
. Customer relationship management software
. Content management software
. Asset management software
. Office suites (word processing, spreadsheets, etc.)
. Email marketing software
. Project management software
. Human resources software
. Team collaboration softwareCloud-based software is accessible via a Web browser, making investments in hardware virtually unheard of. Cloud service providers take care of all maintenance and upgrades, freeing small business owners from having to figure this out on their own or hire an IT tech to do it for them.”As a service” solutions also grow with your small business. You can start out with just a few licenses and then add more (or remove) users as your needs change.Data ArchivingIt’s not just software that now resides in the cloud. Document storage has also moved to the “as a service” model. For example, you’re likely familiar with Dropbox, Box, and Google Drive. A recent innovation in this space has to do with data retention and archiving.According to Dolphin, SAP Cloud Computing Solutions such as Content Archive Service for Cloud allows small business users to archive data and documents in the cloud for transparent “anytime, anywhere” access (Source: Dolphin, Cloud Storage for SAP Archived Data and Documents). Dolphin’s Content Archive Service for Cloud is a Storage as a Service solution that connects to major public cloud providers like Google Cloud and Amazon S3. Cloud storage allows for cost alignments between SAP storage and the value of your data. For example, data you frequently use can be placed on high performance storage devices whereas data you need to archive but not necessarily access regularly can be placed in a lower-cost cloud storage service — at significant savings.Merchant ServicesCloud-based credit card processing solutions allow small business users to ditch the traditional credit card processing terminal and process transactions online — or even on a smartphone with a small card reader attachment. Not only that, many cloud-based merchant services can be integrated directly within other applications such as billing software or an e-commerce store (Source: Accounting Today, Understanding How Technology Supports Small Business Success).Small businesses now have access to the same enterprise-level applications their larger counterparts use, but without the need for huge upfront expenses. From Software as a Service to data archiving, merchant services, and beyond, cloud-based technologies are changing how businesses operate.Works Cited:Accounting Today, “Understanding How Technology Supports Small Business Success,” – http://www.accountingtoday.com/news/payroll/understanding-how-technology-supports-small-business-success-72015-1.html

Acquire Work Experience and Degrees Simultaneously From Online Schools

Are you planning to get your high school degree? This is, of course, essential in today’s world because advanced degrees help a lot in acquiring a good job. There are certain jobs that require prior work experience along with the degrees. What are you supposed to do in such a case? Well, one of the best things that you can do to get both the degree, as well as the work experience is approaching the online schools. These schools are designed to provide specialized online learning to students who are interested to study and work at the same time.It is quite natural that if you go for attending traditional institutions for acquiring your degrees, you would have to go to school full-time there. It would not be possible for you to acquire simultaneous work experience. Moreover, if you think that you would acquire the work experience after acquiring the degree, it would certainly take a long time. Therefore, instead of wasting your time, you can simply go for the online degrees. You would save your time where you would be able to devote time to both your work and study at the same time.If you attend the regular institutions, you would have to follow a fixed time schedule everyday to attend the colleges. This is certainly not the case with the online schools. You can exclusively study at your own time schedule and convenience. You would just require a PC and internet connection to get access to the online learning. By sitting at home, you would acquire the online degrees from the online schools along with getting your work experience. Moreover, the online courses are generally of a short duration, and right after acquiring the degrees, you would be able to find a good job for yourself.